We'll use the magic of AI ghostwriting to create your 120 page client-getting book in the next 5 DAYS completely FOR YOU.

Let's Talk About Your Client-Getting Book Idea

We might be able to write your entire book completely FOR YOU in the next 5 days using the power of AI ghostwriting!

Schedule a quick Zoom call below if you're a coach, consultant, course creator, or online business owner...

Complete and exact details are below…

Who This Is For...

This done-for-you book creation service is for…

  • Coaches

  • Consultants

  • Infopreneurs

  • Course Creators

  • Online Business Owners

  • And Service Providers

…who want to publish a non-fiction book for the purpose of…

  • Growing their audience

  • Generating more qualified AND less costly leads

  • Acquiring new clients more consistently and automatically

Why Am I Doing This? What’s the Catch?

Our main service offering at Book the Clients™ is automated book marketing & client generation systems, and we’re really good at it. It’s our bread and butter and where we make 80% of our revenue.

However, the problem (for us) is that we’re only able to work with coaches, consultants, infopreneurs, course creators, online business owners, and service providers who already have a finished book, which is like 1%. 😐

Our whole marketing strategy revolves around giving away a book as a lead magnet to get a ton of qualified leads in the door for cheap, but most online business owners unfortunately don’t have a book.

Until very recently, writing a book has been about as difficult, expensive, and time-intensive as climbing Mount Everest, which is bad business for us. ⛰️

To solve this problem (and literally 100X the amount of clients that we’re able to work with), I’ve spent the last few months perfecting an AI ghostwriting process and training my team on the perfect workflow for creating non-fiction client-getting books efficiently.

With our new AI ghostwriting system 🤖👻(basically a crazy sequence of ninja prompts built on top of Chat GPT 4), we can now work with the other 99% of coaches, consultants, infopreneurs, course creators, online business owners, and service providers who don’t have a book yet.

Using the magic of AI ghostwriting, we are now able to create your client-getting book in the next 5 days completely FOR YOU, and without breaking too much of a sweat. 

AND it will actually be good! Yeah, we were surprised too.

Chat GPT 4 is scary-good! The AI apocalypse is certainly near, but until then, let’s use it to get your book done.

More details about the service are below, but first, let me quickly introduce myself…

Who Am I & How Am I Qualified To Help You?

Hi! My name is Jon Bator.

I’m the founder & CEO of High Paid Publishing, LLC (the company behind Book the Clients™), and I’ve launched over 100 books for my clients in the past few years.

I’m a 3-time ClickFunnels "2 Comma Club" award winner, and passionate about helping coaches, consultants, course creators, content creators, experts, nonfiction authors, and online business owners make more impact and income from their skills, experience, and expertise.

I’ve worked with celebrity authors and business owners in the real estate, health, spiritual, business, leadership, and fitness markets nearly every single day for the past seven years and love building automated marketing systems that result in time and financial freedom for authors and experts who sell valuable and transformational information products and services.

I also actually know what I’m doing…

I’m the Chief Marketing Officer at the fastest growing book publishing company in the U.S.A.

If you want to do your due diligence, this is me: &

I was also Daymond John’s behind-the-scenes advertising guy, sales page builder, and email marketing guy for 3 years (2018-2021).

I currently send almost 1 BILLION marketing emails/year (for clients). Yes, a billion, not a million. No, I’m not a spammer. These marketing emails go to big email lists and have an average 40% open rate and 1.5% click rate.

I currently manage advertising spend of over $200,000/month on Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Instagram.

I’ve been directly responsible for bringing in over $50,000,000 of book sales and course sales.

I’ve grown a membership site from 0 to over 24,000 active paying members, and I’ve launched over 100 individual books and have sold over 6,000,000 copies.

Ok, enough about me. Here’s a quick summary of our 5-day book creation service…

5-Day Book Creation Service Overview:

DAY #1: Decide Book Title, Write Book Description, & Generate Manuscript

On day one we’ll spend 90 minutes on a Zoom call and talk about your business, your product or service, and what you want your book to be about.

I’ll also ask you to send me some links (your website, some sales pages, and maybe a webinar or core content videos), so that I can get the general idea of what your business is about, what problems you solve, and who exactly you serve.

We'll decide on a book title and description, and then I’ll create a simple outline of your book and use the magical power of AI ghostwriting to knock out a 30,000+ word (about 120 pages) manuscript overnight.

DAY #2: Manuscript Read Through & Cover Design Planning

On the morning of day two, I'll send you your finished manuscript and you’ll have 24 hours to read it over and suggest any changes.

The manuscript we send you will be 100% ready to publish in our opinion, and we don’t recommend making any major changes. However, we don’t want to publish something in your name that you disagree with or think is dumb.

This manuscript check is just to avoid any changes after the book interior is professionally laid out. Once we get your approval, we’ll move on to interior book layout.

On day two we'll also spend 90 minutes on a Zoom call to decide on the direction for your book cover design.

DAY #3: Make Final Edits To Manuscript & Wait on Designers

On day three I'll make any final edits to the manuscript if needed.

We also have to give the cover designer and interior layout designer some time to do their work.

And so day three is a day to just chill, at least for you.

DAY #4: Approve Final Cover Design & Interior Book Design File

On the morning of day four, I'll send you your book cover design and interior book layout design files.

You'll have 24 hours to approve these final files.

DAY #5: Upload Book To Amazon KDP & Plan Book Launch To Get More Clients

On day five we'll spend 90 minutes on a Zoom call together so that I can help you upload your book to Amazon KDP. This way you can order super-cheap physical copies and have your book listed for sale on Amazon!

We'll also talk book launch plans, so that you can start using your book to get more clients.

Exactly What We’ll Give You (Promised Deliverables):

  • A 6x9 professionally laid-out 120 page paperback book file (PDF) for easy one-click uploading to Amazon KDP (for your Amazon print-on-demand paperback listing)

  • A professionally laid-out Amazon Kindle book file (EPUB) for easy one-click uploading to Amazon KDP (for your Kindle listing)

  • A professionally designed book cover (front, back, and spine) for easy one-click uploading to Amazon KDP (for your Amazon print-on-demand paperback). Plus, a flat front cover image, a flat back cover image, a 3D front cover image facing left, and a 3D front cover image facing right.

  • A 6x9 professionally laid-out digital book file (PDF) so that you can easily use your book for lead generation on your website.

  • BONUS! We’ll write the book description, and some marketing copy, for your new book so that you’ll easily be able to send some emails to your list and post on social media to promote!

What You Will Need To Do:

Pretty much nothing.

All you have to do is show up for three 90-minute Zoom calls to tell us about your business, who you serve, what end result you get them, and what you think really gets the attention of your dream clients.

And then approve the final manuscript, and give our designers some direction for your book cover.

Lastly, once you receive the physical copies of your book in the mail, we will ask you to take a photo of yourself holding your book and looking excited. Not required, but it will help us out with our marketing for the future.

Like we said, your to-do list = pretty much nothing…

Let’s Get Your Book Done ASAP So That You Can Start “Booking” More Clients!

Like I said above, I want to get your book done as quickly and easily as possible, so that my team and I can help you with book marketing, lead generation, and new client acquisition, because that is where the money is. 

This done-for-you 5-day book creation service is simply the first step, and honestly a breakeven "loss leader" for us. 

We're hoping to get you a quick and valuable win and give you some momentum, because, if we do, we know you'll be a client of ours long-term. 

A “free book download funnel” (with a Book the Clients Marketing Machine™ running in the background) is the best way to attract a consistent stream of new clients on autopilot, but we gotta get your book done first, and so let’s get it done right now.

Schedule a quick Zoom call below, and let's talk about your client-getting book idea.

I have a feeling that you're probably sitting on a goldmine and don't even know it!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected] or click the chat icon in the bottom right of the page.

I look forward to meeting you and learning more about your business.

See you soon on your Zoom call!

Your book marketing friend,

- Jon Bator, Founder & CEO of Book the Clients™

Let's Talk About Your Client-Getting Book Idea

We might be able to write your entire book completely FOR YOU in the next 5 days using the power of AI ghostwriting!

Schedule a quick Zoom call below if you're a coach, consultant, course creator, or online business owner...

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the book and training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not purchase from High Paid Publishing, LLC.